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EP Support From (Thanks) Luciano, DAVE The Drummer, Aka Carl, Jerome Baker, Paco Osuna, Mark EG, Steel Grooves, Durtysoxxx, Joe Mesmar, Marcello Perri, Peppelino, Veztax, Distek, Dolby D, DJ Ogi, Rydel, Roman Zawodny, Paula Cazenave, Miquel….

The dynamic duo donned their lab coats again and locked themselves in the Solid State labs, night goggles and all that.

The first experiment out of the tube was conducted under the watchful eye of the microscope, surrounded with precise frequencies and excessive decibels, creating a new work technique for the floor called Crystallography, in which the test subject experiences massive waves of auditory pleasure, forcing him to dance rapidly, jaw clenched, with an occasional jump here and there. The state is solid, but the movements sure aren’t.

However, the tube tinkering didn’t stop there. They added some hard metals to that crystal mix, forged them in the depth of the underground, sprinkling just a hint of side FX so the residue in your brain is beneficial to your serotonin and dopamine levels. Pumped up rabbits, lab and club rats alike will testify to the 100% purity of this new invented Metallurgy. It hits hard, it hits relentessly and it lingers in your ears. Them mad scientists.

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